Everything you say is wrong, everything I say is right. You can find my ramblings here.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Check your scraps without logging in !!

Ok, has this ever happened to you?
You open your inbox and realise that you have a whole load of scrap's sitting in your Orkut scrapbook but to check them you have to go through the painful procedure of logging in : (

Well here's a way out.
You can have a RSS feed for any scrapbook on orkut! Or for non-comp freaks, in simple terms, you enter a URL and away we go!

No its not a feature provided by orkut but who really gives a shit about that? ; )

What you need is your user id or uid.

Your uid is the huge number that appears at the end of the link in the address bar when you are viewing your scrapbook.

[ click to enlarge ]

Now all you have to do is enter you're uid at the end of this link as shown:


for example:


will give a feed of my scrapbook.

So all you Orkut freaks out there, this should make your life easier!


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No more telemarketing-bullshit

Ever experienced this ? You're sitting on your couch, watching TV when your cellphone starts vibrating on the table. You see the number, don't recognize it and wonder whose disturbing you. You pick up the phone.

"Hello sir, I'm calling from XYXYX bank, are you interested in opening a savings account with us ?"

Frustrated, you open your mouth to say, "NO, I'm NOT interested, don't EVER call me again !".

And you get the same call a couple of days later.

Well, I get telemarketing calls like this all the time and it sure irritates the shit out of me. But we may get relief from this soon ! The Indian Government has made a move towards this and are planning to create a "Do Not Call List". Subscribers like us can register on this list, and the next time a firm violates this, they will be fined Rs. 500 for any call they make to us or any message they send to us. Repetition of the offence can lead to their disconnection !

Finally, this trend of "mobile spam" could come to an end !

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Monday, June 4, 2007

A new member of Sam's Junkyard !

On June 2, a new member joined Sam's Junkyard :

Bruno is a pure-breed, black Labrador puppy. At the time of this picture, he's 6 weeks old.

I wanted to name him Whiskey (after Black Dog Whiskey), but my folks refused to. Another name which came to my mind was Bacchus (the Roman God of Wine and Intoxication), but again, quite understandably my folks refused, and he was named Bruno.

Maybe Bruno will post on this blog sometime ;)

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